Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Reflections on the year thus far

Hey all!

I started reflecting on all the events that happened to me this year today and I thought I'd share them with you.  Now I'm sure I'm going to forget a LOT of stuff, but bear with me, and if I did forget something, please let me know and I'll edit this post

Okay let's start off with the beginning of the year... well actually the last day of last year.

December 31, 2010- Plans for New Year's fell through with less than an hour to go until the ball drop so I ended up spending New Years on my parents couch with a rum and coke.  I was pretty bummed as a friend and I were going to hit up a bar for the big night.  Something that I've never done before.  Hopefully I can make that happen this year.  I would love to be someplace big like Ottawa, Toronto, or even Times Square for New Years, but who knows if that will happen.

January- Had to have my cat, Molly, put down and it was decided that there would be no more pets at my house anymore (my fish is excluded from that.)  Also had my heart broken by someone I had a crush on for about 3 years.  Pretty bummed by that but I don't hold a grudge, and I welcome him to be friends with me again.

February- Spent Valentine's Day alone again. Yah I know I'm being a downer, and spiteful, and all that other jazz, but when you've never been in a relationship, days like those hurt the most.  Stupid holiday.. makes all those that are single feel like crap.  Okay back on track now

March and April- House sat for a couple of friends for a 2 weeks.  That was a load of fun.. especially when they have cats that kept me company... and sat right in front of me on the desk while I was trying to type at the computer.  Also during that time, I had the oppertunity to visit a movie set and help out with the final day of shooting.  That was super exciting and I loved every minute of it.

May and June- Can't really remeber much from those months.  I'm sure there is stuff that happened, but I'm drawing a blank... May haveta re-visit this if I do remember something.

July- Welcomed my new newphew, Brandon, to the world. He and his big sister, Shannon, are sooooo freaking adorable and they bring me such joy whenever I see them.  I can onl hope that someday I"ll have cute kids just like them.

August- August started off really bad with the sudden passing of my friend Don.  He always had a smile on his face, and I miss him each and every day.  The end of Aug was Fan Expo in Torornto and was my return to cosplaying in the masquerade.  I ended up making a Nyan Cat costume in 3 days and walked accross the stage on all fours to the infamous music.  I won "Best Meme" and with that award, I have finally reached Master status with my cosplaying. I spent most of Fan Expo weekend helping my friend out at his table.  I was surrounded by cartoon voices for the entire weekend and LOVED it! hahahaha!!

September- As soon as Fan Expo was over, I had 2 days to pack before I headed off to Walt Disney World with my friend for a girl's trip.  SO MUCH FUN!!!  It was a relaxing trip but we managed to see and do pretty much everything we wanted to do. After returning, this have been really hectic with work and life.  My birthday was 3 days fater I got back from my trip. It was pretty low key.  Went to Niagara Falls with a friend.  I would LOVE to have a HUGE party for my birthday but it always seems that major events (weddings, other birthdays, baseball tournaments, etc)happen right around that day.. Le Sigh.  My birthday, like Valentine's day, is also one of those bummer reminders that another year has gone past and I'm still single.  Yah I know I"m being a huge bummer and being hard on myself, but when most of your friends are married, it can weigh heavily on you. 

And now within the past week I've attended a movie premiere (the movie I helped out on back in April.) So much fun!!!  I was given the title of Associate Producer for my finacial contribution to the movie.  I'm truly honored by this.

  I've also run into some turbulance with some friends.  I'm really hoping that can be resloved, as I realy don't like people to be mad with me and I try my absolute best to not displease anyone. 

Well that's all so far.  Like I said, I'm sure I've missed a lot of stuff, so if I did, please let me know and I'll edit this.

Here's hoping the rest of the year will bring more surprises.

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